Page 14
(Exceprt from "Cheng")
The large shape before him was no man, however, and Cheng's mind reeled trying to understand what he was seeing. The impossible creature filled the alley and its body was in constant motion, coiling around trash cans and over piles of garbage, the cold drizzle glistening along its sinuous body.
Page 32
(Excerpt from "Dreams")
Dreams. What more could a person ask for?
Dreams. ... hidden away and never given the chance to become reality.
Dreams. The one thing that keeps me going.
Dreams. The sadness that comes when you finally wake up.
Page 55
early morning light
shimmering off the water
electric sunrise
Page 42
(Excerpt from
"What is Love")
Love is caring for someone with all your heart.
Love is trusting with no boundaries.
Love is two hearts combined as one.
Page 96
So many years have
passed into memory,
just as leaves are blown from the path.
Too long now between visits and too short the moments that last.
I long to hold you all close,
be a part of your
daily lives,
but all I have now are
the brief hellos and
the heartbreaking,
sad goodbyes.
Welcome! The world needs more nice people like you!
This book is dedicated to all those who came before, to their strength and determination and to the love they shared in the creating of a family bond which endures today.
In today's society we can pass the time in a million different ways. We can listen to music that mirrors our moods or watch television on more than five hundred channels; some people play sports on a sandlot team or immerse themselves in virtual worlds of magic and monsters; others turn to writing and share their imagination or experiences with avid readers across the globe. The members of our family seem to have adopted writing as our "expression of choice" in the creation of this book.
Writing is a varied art form--novels, short stories, essays, poems, diaries, letters to loved ones--all have had their allure to different members of our family at different times. Within these pages you'll find our thoughts and emotions and whimsy; reviewed, dissected, examined and put on display in formal verse and free flowing prose. This book is offered from our hearts to yours and we hope you will find it both fulfilling and inspiring.
Love is everything. It is in the joining which plants the seed. It is in the first flutter of life in a mother’s womb. Love fills every heart in the delivery room when that child is born.
Love guides, and teaches, and protects as that child grows and learns to love in return. It is the bond which keeps you ever connected to your family no matter how far apart life’s circum-stances may keep you. It gives you joy, pride, and concern for each and everyone in your family circle.
Love can also bring heartache, fear, and loss; but, in time, can overcome all of these when combined with faith. The power of love is proven and eternal. The strength of a family is measured in hugs and laughter, generosity and caring, forgiveness, understanding, and communication.
We are a strong family – one which acknowledges its imperfect-ions and embraces its differences. We know that family matters and we hope that by combining our talents within these pages we have helped to forge an even stronger unit.
Although the everyday barriers of life (such as time and distance, jobs and circumstances beyond our control) may keep us physically separated, we cannot, and must not, let those things build a wall between our hearts and souls. We are forever connected because…. family matters.
Buy one for yourself or as a gift.
Price: $9.95 or lower on Amazon.com
Perfect Paperback: 124 pages
First edition (January 10, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN- 978-1598722987
Product Dimensions: 8.3 x 5.5 inches
Family Matters
By Ruth Y. Nott
W. David MacKenzie
Peggy Overbey
Fred MacKenzie
Tarja Keddrell
Chunnan Wang
Copyright 2007